click click click

Sunday, July 10, 2011


hello people.

1. i bought iphone.
2. i hate myself. not much, just a bit.
3. i got over him.
4. i tried cream and fudge with natrah the other day. sungguhhhh sedap ok.
5. i love my friends.
6. now i know i have a fickle heart and mind.
7. i dont read quran as frequent as before. maybe thats explains my emotional imbalanced.
8. i wanna have ikan keli bakar for lunch today.
9.i love my mom. i wanna call her!
10. my room is in mess, and my life too :(
11. i'm very good at faking a smile. and faking a mood. i'm really good at it.
12. i'm starting to lose myaself to this new self which i dont recognize.
13. there's a thin line between friendship and love but i dont think thats true.
14. i want my mom's kari daging.
15. i neeeeed to retune my mood.
