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Thursday, May 3, 2012


seriously, blogger?
you do have the new layout that makes it harder for me to write. this whole new thing distract me from my thoughts, my original ideas that i wanna pour in here.
so hiii people. i know some of my friends are still reading this blog and my absence is due to my mental block and the increase of my laziness to usual, nothing much to share pun. however, for tonight, i am bored with reading. you better get a copy of Mitch Albom's For one More  Day. it's a good book.

so here are few things i wanna say out loud/silently in here.

1. i dont know about you and i dont want to know, but i still could not see the objectives of bersih. seriously? the riots, the chaos and such. i know government has not been that perfect and good and they are corrupted by some irresponsible people in there, but hey stop being idiots and fight for your rights like that. it's just make malaysia looks bad.

2.what's the fuss about being friends with your exes? oh come on. he/she was there in your past. i dont care. what we should care about is our own feelings. if we clearly don't get over the exes, still don't make peace with ourselves about how the relationship ends, dont start a new one. i know it's hard to get over someone that you ever had feelings for them, but trust me it's just the heart playing the trick. do you seriously think Allah will let us keep thinking about the same person for our entire life meanwhile he/she is happily building home with someone else towards jannah. of course not. as muslims we all know He is fair. eventually, there'll be someone else in our life. dont rush into marriage. there'll be the right time, with the right person. insyaAllah. wahhh i sound so matured. hehee..just saying. this is basically based on reading, little portion of experience.
funny, i'm not someone who is, to put it, erm.. you know, the ustazah-kind but maybe i am coming from all-girls boarding school, so i dont really see the point of having boyfriend. i mean, all the things that you do with your boyfriend, you can do it with your boy friend. so i think it's better to wait until i am ready enough to make a commitment. i started thinking like this since i can remember. what's wrong with me? because if you know me, i'm not the cool type, or the..well you know, that kind of people. but that's what i've been holding on until now and it doesnt do any harm so i'll stick to it. of course i have my fair portion of crushes (hello, there were activities involving Sassians or Sdarians) but that was it. we called, we smsed and we became friends. some are still last till now. i mean, as friends. the main point is, we should know the arah tuju of a relationship. if it's better stay in friendship, then let it be. and if we want more than a friendship but he/she doesnt want the same thing, respect the decision. if we look at it thoroughly, it's not only about their decision of rejecting you, it is in a way, and bear in mind it also shows Allah has someone else reserve for you. lets put us in their shoes. if they keep pushing you, they keep wanting you more than just friends by over reacting (assuming we dont like them back and we just want to be friends) of course eventually we'll get annoyed. so everybody must respect each of individual's feeling. it's our own problem to deal with our own feelings and we dont want it to be a laughing stocks on the other side right.

3.human beings always want things they dont even need. like, if you're using S2, but you keep wanting iphone4 which you dont even need it, tak ke tak bersyukur namanya tu. pang! kene muka sendiri.

good nighttttttt!