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Sunday, May 15, 2011

littlest things

when i do have something that seems to draggy for me to do, i'll be so lazy waking up in the morning. yeah, thats true. i'm not sure when this sort of normal but negative habit dveloped in me, because for all what i knew, i'm sure i was a positive girl. now, it's all unsaid and uncertain.

so yeah, i woke up this morning feeling bad. i dont know why and i dont know why i tell you here. i think i just want to be sincere with my writing. thats it. so yeah, i woke up feeling bad, took a cold shower, switched on the laptop, go thorough feeds on facebook, and glued to a story that keeps me thinking. so basically, my spirit is a bit lifted than i felt the moment i opened my eyes or during i took the shower.

its funny how a person that you rarely see in person, or comment on his/her status, can tell you to have a little faith, hold on there longer, start to live, start reach out, indirectly. just by a simple story. thats the effect of a perfect stranger.

and yeah, these reminders of imam Ghazali are absolutely gonna be on my wall. just in case i forgot. just in case i feel like i'm at the end of the world, or just because.

1.perkara paling jauh adalah masa yang telah berlalu.
2.perkara paling berat adalah amanah
3.perkara paling ringan adalah meninggalkan solat.
4.perkara paling dekat adalah mati.
5.perkara paling tajam adalah lidah manusia.
6.perkara yang paling besar adalah hawa nafsu.

good day people. good day. insyaAllah.