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Saturday, May 14, 2011


my memory is selected. yes, it is. i tend to remember good things than bad things. however at certain time, i remember the bad ones mostly. i am not sure about myself, really.

i read a blog. a girl's blog. she's confused but i think she's sincere whenever she writes her take. i think. i am not sure either.

to talk about selective memories, those senior years in SSP are the core ones. i could still feel the fresh morning breeze when i walked to class. the assembly. the school song. funny. i can sing my school song up until now without fail but hardly memorize certain important l

those years bring me to the fact that i should, i really or maybe probably should forgive myself for my weak judgement. it's never too late to apologize, especially to yourself. the hard thing is, you know what?, is to forgive yourself. yeah, i think so. naah, i am not sure either.

now i think i am full of uncertainty, and left behind. for that matter, i'm not sure either. i think i am lost.

like i mentioned earlier, my judgment is weak. very weak. as if like, it's weakening by days. well, i hope not. but thats what i feel.

i'm speechless, clueless.
