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Sunday, October 28, 2012

The medicine

i should be writing my PPA now, but I'm blogging instead.
these past few days have been a few of my bleakest in my life, thus far. alhamdulillah, during these so-called bleakest hour i've found my light. so the saying is true, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

a mother's hugs and eyes are more than enough to wash away doubts, partly. and i am forever grateful for that matter. alhamdulillah. and the other medicine that have always worked out is reciting al-quran. I'm blessed to have someone who constantly remind me the importance of reading al-quran. I'm not saying I'm all good enough by doing so, no, it's not it. the point is, the tranquility we'll get each time, i repeat, each time after reciting quran. it's just too good to be true. for that person who always and always and always check on my quran's recitation, i am forever and ever grateful to have you in my life. alhamdulillah.

Perumpamaan orang mu’min yang suka membaca al-Quran ialah seperti buah utrujjah (اَلْاُتْرُجَّة), baunya enak dan rasanya pun enak.  Dan perumpamaan orang mukmin yang tidak suka membaca al-Quran ialah seperti buah kurma, tidak ada baunya, tetapi rasanya manis.  Adapun perumpamaan orang munafik yang suka membaca al-Quran ialah seperti minyak harum, baunya enak sedang rasanya pahit.  Dan perumpamaan orang munafik yang tidak suka membaca al-Quran ialah seperti rumput hanzolah (اَلْحَنْظَلَة), tidak ada baunya dan rasanya pun pahit.”

(muttafaq alaih)

Assalamualaikum wbt.