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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Time Keeper

Mitch Albom.
The Time Keeper.

this is his latest book. i started with Tuesdays With Morrie, couple of years back; that i finished in one night with red, swollen eyes due to crying. i never cried that much in my entire life for a character i did that night. it's such a good book. you can borrow from me.

so this time around, I didn't cry as much as i did from his previous books (Have a little faith, Five People you meet in Heaven, and For one More Day), however i shed some tears like it was obligated to do so after/during reading his writing. i mean, when people talk to you indirectly about hope, about being hopeful about how we spent our life, how we're gonna spend the rest of our life in a manner that speaks directly to your heart, you just cry, don't you? The Time Keeper mentioned about how we always rush into things, rushing to the end without wanting to enjoy the moment we ever had, or the one we're having now.

take myself for an example, when i start reading a book i want to know the end so badly. never once i did flip the last page, only i have this anxiousness that makes me read faster without really appreciate what's been told. so yeah, i rush things. i rush into making decision.

"Manusia itu sifatnya tergesa-gesa". one of the ayat in the Quran. (I'm very sorry, I forgot which surah it is). there, the theory of this book is proven.

Hence, from now onward, i'll make this as one of my small jihad to overcome my weakness. to complain less, and be more grateful for all the time i have in this world. for all the time my parents', friends', sisters', families' have for me. for us.

one of my favourite line from this book is;
Moment. you either let it pass, or grab it.