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Saturday, August 3, 2013

random #1

My mind is not structured.


I’ve wanted to come out with a long entry in essay mode, the kind I can be totally guileless on the nubs of it and the kind I can convene all the beautiful floriated words together with their double meaning of sentences. yet I can’t seem to find the right time and ideas to write one, so please bear with me with my boring entry. Nevertheless, the urge to blog is excruciating, hence 2 entries in one night.

Okay, right now. I hate it when all of sudden I lost the train of thoughts that seemed to be so long a minute ago and left me with the unspoken words. That’s unfair for someone who wants to write that much like yours truly.

Oh, I had marvellous iftar(s) this week with different group of friends with very delicious food. Nyummeh. You have no idea how a get-together could mean so much when that is the only event we can actually sit and talk properly, besides work-related matter. So this to happen because most of the time, we encountered each other in the lifts where we don’t have much time to catch up and I hate small talks. So I would just randomly smile to the ex-classmates instead of exchanging life events updates. so yes, I’m all interested in the so-called reunion.

Talking about that, I’m also a flop when it comes to keeping in touch via messages or cards or whatever, nevertheless the ones who are close to me have never been slipped through my mind. I remember, I only suck in the gestures part. that, I will improve. (kot).

I’m pretty happy with my life the past couple of days because I’m not busy preparing the presentation packs anymore. So no more excel sheets, and going through project listing that I swear a chief stimulation for me to puke. I just don’t want to handle one more of that, for the time being. Ask me to do anything else but that. Hehe..

I’m in the middle of the deep ocean of thoughts, contemplating on abandoning the whole thing entirely and move somewhere else, or keep on trying then, this one sentence from the quran hit me hard “berapa banyak lagi nikmat tuhan kamu yang kamu mahu dustakan, amatlah sedikit kamu bersyukur”. Basically, that’s not exactly what has been said in the quran, but the gist and lessons of the ayat is there. I shall find the full translation, insyaAllah. But now, I’m leaving you with this first, for our own reflection, okay?