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Thursday, June 20, 2013


if i were to blog, then i would have to blog about my trips to Paris, Interlaken, Venice, Rome and few cities in the UK for the past 2 weeks. However, i am just plain lazy to write about all of it on one go, i shall have to allocate certain hours from the 24 i've been given daily for each trip. just you wait. don't you give up on me. i will not promise, i'll make it happen instead.

my biological clock is still in haywire mode. it's past my bedtime and i'm still wide awake, listening to one of my oldest favourite songs- Keroncong untuk Ana and Mustika. Ancient! i like both lyrics; deep and meaningful.

you know what? i used to love reading so much. like much. the kind of "much" where you could see me holding books and read in front of tv, or my bag would be as heavy like carrying stones because there were at least 2 books in it. if you read about my previous post, you shall know how i would start reading 2 books simultaneously so i won't get bored by only focusing in one book. I'm weird like that, i guess. well, everyone is weird in their own way or should rephrase it, everyone is special in their own way.

I'm off work for 18 days was such a bliss. Hopefully, a fresh start for tomorrow. InsyaAllah.

Let me list down a few points that frequently flying in my mind right now.

1. Strolling along the Grand Canal, watching sunset was definitely a must-do when I go there once again.
2. That won't be the last time I visited Interlaken. I will definitely go there again, someday, with the loved ones and I think everyone should put that in their dream place to go for.
while we were on the tram going up to Jungfrou - Top of Alps; my sister mentioned about one of the ways to be closer to God is by seeing the beauty of all of his creation. again, i emphasize Interlaken is just beautiful, like really beautiful. it's so beautiful and i could cry because of it. I pray all of us will find and always stumble upon the beautiful spot. there's always beauty in this world. hence, never give up.

okay for now. i need to get my beauty sleep. tata everyone :)