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Friday, September 20, 2013

The beauty of silent.

There will come a point where we learn to listen more, talk less. For some, this kind of trait resides in them since forever, and  for the rest they'll come to that when there is a change of perspective or maybe never.

I find it funny, really.

I used to talk a lot about things i like or love to a lot of people. Even, with acquintances without considering the fact that i actually steal their time mostly with some boring topics. Along the way, i find it best to cave in once in a while and pick the listener. No, it does not mean if i dont tell you i dont trust you. It's more like, i just value the privacy even more, or i am teaching myself to conceal certain thoughts that is jittery and worthless of mentioning.

Because sometimes, we never were completely honest when we voice out the opinions yet it reached to others with different meaning.

And sometimes, we just dont want people to remind us of something that is worthless remembering.

And maybe, too, this is one of aging process. :)