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Saturday, September 17, 2011

this weekends

hi all.
whoaaa it's been a while since the last time i blog. nothing much happened really for the past 2 weeks. works are piling up aligning with the responsibilities to hold too. not in the mood to whine on that because i know no matter what, it's life and like it or not, i do still need to entertain those said responsibilities. so leave it there and i shall let myself to learn bit by bit from it

yesterday was awesome. as early as 11 am (early??) we headed off to siti's open house. i swear her mother's rendang ayam was undeniably delicious. then, we went to alamanda to see Johnny English which obviously hilarious, dinner at Johnny. later that night, stuck around at intan's place- had a catch-up session with her mother. and i found myself home around midnight.

today is nothing much too, i pre-planned to re-watched Up however the clumsy me left my red hard disk in the office. what a klutz. oh by the way, for those of you, who haven't watched the smurfs, go lah watch the movie. it's very nice you know.

so now, i'm just with Robert Langdon to know more on the lost symbol. for the curious, well it's the book i'm talking about. go get a copy if you don't have one. seriously, best.

till then for now

p/s: Dan Brown's books are meant for reading, i think. since when it goes into movie like the previous two; The da vinci code and Angels and demons are just simply..hmmm less interesting. so please, read!

till then!