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Thursday, March 22, 2012

this is random

1. we really should be grateful and thankful for what we do and don't have. i always believe Allah provides more than we ever ask for. and what He gives us basically all of our needs.

2.i name my blog based on song titles. this blog used to be called as "more than words".

3. there are so many rooms for improvement. however, I'm too stagnant to change.

4. i talk things that dont matter to people that dont matter in my life.

5. the hard part of moving on is not looking back.

6. I miss my life in UTP. then, i tell myself there's nothing to miss when memories is always there. and people who was there is also are still here in the present. it's just the distance. well, distance is just miles/kilometres.

7. i really should start reading.

8. good night. :)