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Sunday, December 5, 2010


Books. They’re just tempting, aren’t they?

I’ve always had a thing for books. Even I am not sure enough when the habit resided in me. Maybe, the moment my father bought me a story book about a boy who ran away from home just because he wanted to chase the sun. It feels like a lifetime ago since the last time I saw that orange cover of the book. I am not sure what actually happened to the book since it lost from my eyesight long before I realized it.

I know myself always prefer fictional stories than facts; from adventurous to fairy tales. Hmmm.. Speaking of fairy tales, I really did have crush on Aladdin among all heroes described in the story books I read. The girl I quite disliked was Pocahontas. I think she thinks she’s hot but actually she’s not. Briar Rose was/still is my favorite among those beautiful princesses. I like better to refer that princess from Sleeping Beauty as Briar Rose compared to Aurora because I think more than half in the book portrayed of her living in the woods with her fairy godmothers where she was referred as Briar Rose not Aurora. Hence, don’t get confused. Instead of just watching the cartoon version, parents are advised to buy books for their children. There are a whole lot more in books to treasure.

My teenage years were filled with novels. I did read a lot, I think. But not as much as you think since I had to wait long for my turn. Thus, one of the quickest and simplest ways to read is to share reading with my friend. So there, you could see us lying on beds on weekends, reading the same novel. Sweet memories, those were.

And for now, is the right time to immense myself with reading. I have a few books in my list to purchase and currently, I am trying to finish Seven Japanese Tales and Three Weeks in Paris. Both do not charm me to root for the ending but well you know when we start reading, it’s hard to stop until the last page. I pray for that kind of persistence in everything I pursue, not only in reading. ameeen.

p/s: to those who have presentation tomorrow (like me), all the best. we can do it. InsyaAllah.