I always see myself as an optimist. I think I was wrong
because the thing is, I’m not that optimistic towards a lot of things. so now, I
consider myself as a fun girl and a bit emotional. There, I said it out loud.
Being in all-girls school actually shaped your character. The
movies we watch while we were young kids, the songs we listen to and the
endless conversation we had are the key factors that build our characters and
attitudes. Frankly speaking, I’m blessed because I am surrounded by many types
of characters. Really. Some of my friends are really rational and I can discuss
with them problems which I see as irrelevant in the very first place, but soon
the perspective changed once we talk. Then, there this certain kind who are sceptical
which I believe trying their best to be realist in every aspect of their live. I
won’t say that’s wrong but this type of people won’t entertain your emotional
turmoil at all.
The point is, appreciate the friends that you have. They are
not perfect. The have flaws here and there, so do you. So I wanna convey a
huge and mountains of “thank-you”s to my friends who stick around during my ups
and downs. This little thing is often neglected but actually plays a big
important role in our lives; the culture of saying thanks.