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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hello Thursday


I am waiting for maybank to open. It's 944 in the morning already and i have lots of tedious stuff that i need to settle before venturing into holiday mode for 2 weeks. I think this is the longest annual leave i've taken so far since day 1 i started doing what i am doing now.

Let it remains unknown for the time being because the memories have yet to be moulded and i will definitely convey the tell tales in 20 days.

I have wstched fast and furious 6 twice already. The number might increase if we manage to secure tickets for gold class tonight. It's just freaking good. So good and i cant barely remember when was the last time i watch a movie that good.

I dont do the movie justice by my writing. Just have faith that it is good please. Will update later.
