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Thursday, February 27, 2014

c'est la vie

Often I hear about honesty is a good virtue. We are asked to be honest; to others and also ourselves. The later part, sometimes, can be easily forgotten. Hence, let us all be honest to our very own self so we can appreciate every single thing we do.

This week is a hectic one for me. and of course, one of the best therapy is after every settles for the day, I am all alone in my own room, watching those studded stars on my wall before going off to dreamland. It’s one of the best feeling, ever.

Reminds me how I shed tears watching Eiffel tower being all colourful and beautiful right in front of your eyes. Love it!

So I made a little promise to myself, to visit Paris again, inshaaAllah. 


I shall visit Typo tomorrow because there’s something I’ve been eyeing and saving for.Hehe