Sunday is beautiful when i can laze around, sipping coffee while browsing through feeds fromFacebook and Tumblr.
My phone beeped. And there were notifications of missed calls, and few instant messages sent from my darling sister. Without hesitation,i browsed through the conversation thread and pictures she sent me - of her and a castle. My eyes were tearing up right there and there, not a second late. What a beautiful pictures of a ruined castle, with her in it.
Frankly, i think tears were rolling mainly because
1. I miss my darling sister so much, you cannot even imagine. Since we are all girls in the house, we clicked just like that.
2. Thats the ruined castle from one of my most favourite movies- Leap Year.
3. I've always wanted go to UK region, there are so many places that are so much beautiful. Really!
and suddenly i miss reading so much. As much as i wanted for this beautiful weekends to stay still for me to embrace it, i am longing to go to the office and do my routine.
The effect of Teambuilding i guess. Haha