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Monday, October 4, 2010

today's FIVE!

1) I measured relationship based on conversation, at least I used to. Until one day, I spent the night by only looking up the stars with a good friend of mine at the basketball court till wee hours. Mind you, without talking but only stared up to the bleak skies with few tinted light. It was a windy night, and cold too.

That, is just another reason why it’ll be hard to get over UTP later on.

2)  I’m officially 22. But please, don’t bother to send your parents to my house for my hand in marriage. For those with that intention, care to wait for another at least 6-7 years? Care not?

3) There’s a thin line between friendship and love. But hey, I just know the way to thicken that line therefore you don’t have to worry much on that matter, will you? tell me you will NOT.

4) The hidden rationale on the question why I refuse to write about you is simply because I’d rather write to you. Thus, if I don't then there's nothing important to tell.

5) And oh, my favourite man is admitted into one of the hospitals in Melbourne. Get well soon, TM.