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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a letter to a wise man

dear TM,

with all respect and buckets and bundles of hopes, i do truly wish you will be there on my graduation day. it has been a pleasant dream all along to receive the scroll (my scroll) from you. i've seen my seniors went through that experience and with the look on their faces i knew how proud they were on that day. after all, that was one of the solid reason i did choose to further my studies at UTP from the beginning.

a dear friend of mine informed me that you are now well enough, unlike last year where your condition was not that good, hence your absence on 2010 graduation. however this year, i hope you can make it to UTP, Tronoh because besides my family, you're the main important person on that day. i know this all sounds silly since i never knew you in person, let alone ever talking to you (oh i did, indirectly because i asked you a question during one of your speeches years ago), but due to my admiration towards you, hence the hope, my hope. at least a girl can dream, right TM?

p/s: i always visualize me have a long talk with you over teh tarik and roti canai, overlooking klcc :)) ahhh, thats so nonsense to be true yet still, a girl can dream. only that, i  think some i can work it out to be reality while some remain as dreams ;/

syazana Izzati Zakaria.