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Sunday, June 5, 2011

reality check!

fianally i changed this blog name. yeah. done.

i went through my friend's wedding photos. awesome. congratulations to both of you. :) may you live happily ever after untill in Jannah. insyaAllah.

this grown-ups thingies scare the hell out of me. huuhuu. work-life, marriage, financial, savings, cooking, house chores, lacks of mapley night, lacks of late night talk and walk, less star-gazing, house chores (again), having kids, uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i'm not ready for all of these. never thought i would ever be. please help me. i stuck in my teenage world. talking about kids, how can i handle another miniature of me? huu i might end up slapping her cheeks till swollen. dear mom, how can u be so patient handle me and all of us? i think raising girls is harder than boys. and we have four at home. mom, for the love for me, please lend me some of your patience when the time comes for me to go through the phase as a selfless human being- being a mother.

inhale, exhale.

okay, now lets think something happy. bowling/squash/xmen anyone? :))