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Sunday, October 2, 2011

of today. of my birthday

assalamualaikum wbt
and hii people.

i love it when it's my birthday. i wish everyday is my birthday. i love the attention. and maybe that is one of the reasons why i am so much in love with events and weddings and such. you're the centre of so called attention and attraction.

i won't say much on the storyline of my birthday. i'm turning 23. two three. can you believe that. one of my closest friends called all the way from New Zealand yesterday. we talked like forever. it's amazing because whenever i am with my good friends, i never run out of topics. the conversation is never really turning to dry one. i think that might be due to the fact that we dont really see each other much and talk everyday. oh Allah, i do truly love my circle of good friends. they're just great. the bond is just unbreakable. thank youuuu.

i spent quite much on books these last few weeks.the loss of iphone is actually a blessing in disguise. well, you know, when i had one, it was be always with me. i go through feeds on facebook every few minutes. and other websites too. i've neglect my needs for reading for which i'd say, reading is actually oxygen for my mind to breathe new perspective. if not, i feel stagnant. and nothing is worse than a stagnant mind.

here's the list of books i've read for the past 2 months:
1. Brida. bought it the day after i lost my iphone
2. The lost Symbol.
3. Five People You Meet in Heaven.
4. The Alchemist

Current reading:
1. The Last Lecture
2.A Doctor in the House. (i should've finish it before my graduation. on my graduation day, i plan to smile widely and sweetly and say to TM "I finished reading your book. and you're such my inspiration")
3.The Message from Water.

i hate to be labelled as bookworm. but guess i just am. for my birthday, i wish i could spend my time and have the strength to read more on economics.

this is not a good time for a book review because i'm gripped by laziness to elaborate on what i've read, but seriously, A doctor in the House is a must-read. go get a copy or you can simply borrow from me.

see,my thoughts are scattered all around. the birthday post is turninh into book review. hehe..

till then peeps.
till then.