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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dear Astronauts

Dear Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were both of you really reached the moon?

There are a few conspiracy theories that are well known to challenge on this matter – did men make a small step on the moon that lead to a giant step to the mankind? 

I just happened to watch a documentary about this issue which I downloaded almost a month ago just now. Regardless what some people might say, I still am holding to my belief that they were actually reached to the moon.

The image of Neil Armstrong in his white NASA uniform, doing the moon walk in standard 4 text book 13 years ago is still fresh in my memory. I’m sure some of you too. Science did not really succeed to fascinate me at that time, but yes the fact about two young brave lads who were brave enough to take the challenge by going to the moon excites me; a 10 year-old girl I used to be. At that time, I never questioned the theories stated, I was full of acceptance.

Along the years, as I am growing up the issues regarding this matter are never closed, but becomes more and more questionable. Being curious, wanting to know thus I’ve read a few articles on the internet and managed to swallow some details from both sides; the ones who claim it was true and the ones who against it.

From there, I can outline some highlights points which have been arguable since decades ago
1. Unparallel shadow of objects taken including the astronaut based on pictures taken on the moon.
2. How the American flag seemed “berkibar” in the windless environment.
3. Moon walk.
4. Since they were on the moon, the stars should be brighter but there are none to be found in the pictures taken.

 If you too are anxious to know about these details, then it’s a recommendation for you to watch this documentary entitled: The truth behind moon landing. The arguments from both sides were presented. Besides, it does also help us to understand the basic physics even better for not-so-bright physics students like me. hehe..

After all, statistics showed NASA employed 400 000 people for this project back in 1969 and I don’t think everyone of them is so much of heart-stone type by not popping out the truth if it all were just another studio project.