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Monday, January 17, 2011

personal reflection

Personally, I have a few novels that I classify as my favorite. No matter how many times I read them, I still figure they are fascinating or interesting and that keeps my momentum to read till the very last page.

I don’t know about you, but as for me I usually have a few chapters in the books that I would skip, which I avoid to give a go for the second time. It’s more than enough to be aware of what was going on through the particular chapters, only once.

I revisited my immature decisions on certain things since I have a lot of free time now. Being unemployed is not necessarily ugly thing since I have a lot of time to do some thinking. For that matter, I now realized how truthful these sayings are:

Allah knows the best” and “time heals

Humans make plans. I do make plans. Some things that I wanted I have right here in my palm, some just slipped away. When I compare my plans with what Allah decides to let me have, its plain crystal clear what He bestows upon me contain more benefits not for just short term but for long term basis.
I got cut by a sharp blade and I survived. One part is due to the medicine, the other one is time and all in between for my cut to finally heal. Praying and trying not to ever make the same mistake to get cut by the same blade and at the same spot. I have plenty of new mistakes that needed my attention to improve.

till then.