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Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Abah

Dear Abah,
I know you probably will not ever stumble upon my blog because I kept it secret from you.
but still, I want the whole world know that today marks a significant day since 51 years ago.
Happy Birthdayyyyyyy

My father is not a much of a reader himself except for GILA-GILA (comic magazine) and newspaper. But to rethink of it, my favorite pastime which is reading was born due to his consistency of buying me books. From beginning, early in my age I am not good with coloring and such, I sighed for the sight of those. I am more into reading and writing, I must say. I had this story telling competition in school, so my father bought me a book. There were three stories in them; very wise one. That was the first on my have-read list, followed by endless fairytales and fictional story books. Thank you, abah.

I watched Armageddon for the first time with my father back in 1998. I didn’t really understand the movie well because there was no subtitle and being only 10 who couldn’t spell properly English words, it made kind of hard to understand the story. A.J (Ben Afflect) was very pretty good looking at that time, together along with brunette beauty such as Liv Taylor. Bruce Willis was my father’s favorite and that answered why he bought that particular movie in the first place. That was the kind of movie that made me shivering and my adrenaline in high speed mode. I was quite excited because well, at that time I just discovered about meteor in school. I never knew it could be so big if that crash us, which would be the end of human kind. The soundtrack from Aerosmith- I don’t wanna miss a thing is just perfect and was a hit too at that time. There’s just so much love in the song which is more or less defining unconditional love. All I can see out from that particular song has always been the love between a father and his daughter. Don’t you think so?

Of course I did have arguments with my parents for several matters. As a daughter, I believe it’s my duty to apologize and not to drag the arguments longer. no matter how bad things could’ve been between you and your family, remember by heart that they always love you. just that, they don’t know how to show it sometimes and they do have different views.

again, happy birthday Abah.

with love,
kakak, angah, achik and baby.