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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

happy birthday Angah~~

Today marked a significant point to my beloved sister. Today, she turns 19, one of my favorite age so far.

Happy birthday to you, sweeeeet sister. 

We all here wish for your eternal happiness. Have strong faith in everything you do and don’t let doubts linger around. Kiss them away.Though you are unseen to our eyes, but I can guarantee you that I am excitedly waiting for Chinese New Year holiday to commence.

There’s nothing much to tell about her besides expressing my gratitude to Allah for letting her to be a part of my life. She is 4 years younger than me, the one that I know I can turn to for advices. She’s the one that can make you smile all the way while watching the saddest move ever. Carrying her own positive and negative vibes, but spreading the positive ones to others. Hence, we definitely will feel better to be around her.

She and I practically grew up together. Mother used dress up similarly. That defines if I wore red shirt, then she would be wearing the red shirt too. If I cut my hair short, she wanted hers short too. If I grew my hair long, then I would notice she would scream frantically if my mother didn’t let her. as I had my preparation to enter standard one more than a decade ago, she wanted to have all the materials for schooling purpose too. Hence, everything was double; from school uniform to stationeries. She was only 3 years old that time! The first few weeks of my standard one were a nightmare. She; the abovementioned beloved sister refused to go home after sending me to school yet she stayed around outside my class and peeped through window, giggling. So now you see the reasons why I do love her wholeheartedly. Haha.. it’s hard to get rid of her and I’m used to it!

That little cute rascal has now blossoming into a young lady pursuing her dream to be an accountant. Her choice surprised most of us but we know maths was all she ever interested in while physics was the least. That explains on why she is not with us on her birthday. I believe as I am writing this, she’s in her class taking all in the slides in front of her. Hopefully, she doesn’t fall asleep.

Again, happy birthday sister!

Much love,
Tatie kerchillllll!