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Saturday, February 12, 2011


1. Most irritating condition?
- cannot recall :P

2. Most irritating question?
- "you rasa i gemuk tak?" (termasuk diri sendiri yang suka tny orang mcm tu)

3. I can tolerate the sound of baby crying, but I can never tolerate ____?
- the one that cries so loud as if like screaming.

4. As a girl, I always have this weird dream of having _____ in my future house.
- volleyball court. 

5. A perfect birthday gift is?
- books. 

6. High heels or flat? And why?
- flat. sebab senang nak jalan.

7. A something that you saw others do/wear, you have the slightest idea to try the same thing but you certainly sure you will never do that.
-  tight skirt. hoh

8. A thing that you would like to change about yourself?
- perangai buruk saya yg tak matured. hehs