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Thursday, February 24, 2011

what i saw while jogging

Alhamdulillah, let’s just say the waiting period finally came to a halt, confirmed by a phone call early this noon. (of which I was barely awake at that time. I do blame my sleeping pattern these days).

Alhamdulillah, with His will, let’s just say my arrow hits the target quite precisely which allows me to further divulge into what I call my interest. Let just see if I made the right choice. Let’s just pray and hope for that.

So now I’m jogging down the memory lane and got surprised of where I have reached to this day. This was all a dream for a 12-year-old girl having a late night conversation with her friend during her stay in Kampung Baru for a school trip, overlooking the twins standing diamonds. This was also a dream for a pre-teen girl who walked down the hillocks from classroom to dormitory without finishing her math and English homework. This was still a dream for the same young girl during her interview for the scholarship. So yeah, basically this girl has so many things to be grateful for. A lot more gain, I could say instead of losing or it’s all actually balanced?

So please give her the shrew’s slap to reality every time she forgets this. Hehe

By the way, the arbitrary consequences i have to front on whenever I persist in jogging down the hill of memory, more often than not, i’d lurch into someone that i’ve tried to forget behind the bush, or someone i that used to gear up my hatred up to ceiling level simpering at me. or perhaps, along the way i’d see the broken dreams of which i hold dearly with my life. So yes, it’s my choice to turn my face from all of those things. It’s enough to know they’re somewhere down there without having a second look. There’s none could be done to alter what has been broken. life is a one way street. No u-turn. So yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.

God, I think my cryptic vibes is all around, hence this entry. But seriously, I love it when it’s around, I feel like there's actually scintillating butterflies all around. Of course with the escort from an endearing pixie(s) just like Tinkerbelle. (is this how they spell her name?hehe)

Off I go watching Barbie and the whatnots (obviously I didn’t know the title), which I download for my youngest sister couple of months back.

Good night.